Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lightning Bug

This cover for a Region 2 release of Robert Hall's Lightning Bug differs a good bit from the US release (particularly on the back cover). For starters, this cover is significantly brighter than the US cover, which doesn't fit as well with the dark tone of the movie, although the images are a little clearer as a result. The brightness of the text does make it a little hard to read, however, although even the US cover has a little bit of a legibility issue. I am not a fan of the font used on the back because it looks cheap and light and it does not fit with the theme of the movie. It also looks like the photos in the middle are pushing the text up to the top of the back cover. The cast photos on the back also seem unnecessary, and the overall design would have been significantly better had they stuck with the original US design, although I suppose different things appeal to people in different countries.

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